Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm Not Ok - You're Not Ok

Let me repeat that: I'm not O.K. - You're not O.K. - And that is O.K.

Now ... all I need to do is convince myself of that.

Not that you're not being okay is okay so much that my not being okay is okay. Because I know it is - doesn't mean you do. And why does what you think matter?

Depends on who you are I guess ;-). There are those that read this whose opinion matters to me a great deal. Most of you, not so much. Nothing personal - but I don't know you and, frankly, I am not stupid enough to think that I need the good opinion of the world to be okay. I don't even really need the opinion of those that matter to be okay - but ...

it's so much harder when they matter - isn't it?


It’s been over a year since I first started this post … and the irony is that the reason for it beginning seems to have ended as I begin it again. Can’t help but wonder if I had actually done what I had set out to do here – maybe things would have turned out differently. Guess I’ll never know aye? 
